How much does your high school GPA matter when transferring from a CC?

<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>My High School GPA was horrible, hence why I'm currently in the VCCS school system. I was one of those kids that did not care whatsoever. I'm not sure of my GPA but I would guess it would be in the range of 2.0-2.5. Honestly not sure.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, I was almost forced to attend VCCS schools right afterwards, so my not give a damn attitude carried over and I ended up failing my first year, being put on academic probation. I left VCCS soon after.</p>

<p>4 years later I return with a completely different attitude. I've retaken all of my failed courses and replaced them with As. I've been back for 3 semesters so far and have made straight As and President's list in each one. </p>

<p>I hope to be able to transfer into Virginia Tech's Computer Science department. I still have difficult math classes to take (cal 1, 2) before I can apply but I do worry that my past with bad grades in high school as well as first year of college will come back to haunt me and deny me admission. I've also never taken SATs. </p>

<p>My GPA right now is 3.7, if I continue to excel in my classes, how much of a chance do I have with transferring into VTech?</p>


<p>I had a meeting with an admissions rep last month
I actually messed up at another university and was forced to go to community college</p>

<p>I had about a 1.4 at the university, 3.2 in high school.
None of that mattered. The VTech rep only look at my current VCCS transcript, he saw the 3.6 and offered my admission to Tech on the spot.</p>

<p>so I’m pretty sure as long as you get your AS degree you are pretty much guaranteed admission.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. Problem is, to get the VCCS AS degree in Computer Science would require me to take a LOT of courses that won’t transfer to VTech, so it’s like wasting money and time. Right now I’m just taking courses I know will transfer but I don’t think i’ll be awarded an AS degree unless I do my college’s specific course track.</p>

<p>TomDub the VA cc system has guaranteed admissions to all VA universities. You do need to speak with a cc counselor (or look on your cc’s website) to see what the guaranteed admission states. Each university will have a specific GPA mentioned and courses needed. Make sure you are on track for VTech’s, so that when you do apply you are essentially guaranteed admission. I know NOVA cc has their guaranteed admission info on their webpage, and I would imagine yours would as well. That being said, you should also speak with an advisor to ensure no changes have taken place. Also, you might need to sign an agreement, stating your intentions.</p>

<p>Not to splash cold water here, but I spoke to a girl attending one of the CC’s in the Va system, and she said that about 100 students are accepted from all of the CC’s as transfers to UVa and VT each year. Obviously their GPAs must be a lot higher than the 3.4 given as the minimum in the articulation agreement. </p>

<p>I don’t know where she got this information about the number of students successfully transferring. </p>

<p>So the idea that there is ‘guaranteed admission’ isn’t exactly correct. It turns out that there is a cap on the number of students transferring in–you may have the 3.4 or higher and the right courses, and still not be able to transfer. A bit sobering, but it makes sense.</p>

<p>Guaranteed Admission is exactly that - guaranteed. But the agreement is not “attend a VCCS school and get admitted.” Each university has specific requirements, some of them rather difficult, particularly those from W&M and UVA. There’s not a cap, there just aren’t a lot of students who meet all the requirements.</p>