you are leaving out some very important details such as amount of coverage (collision, bodily injury, uninsured motorist), deductible, etc…, not to mention your possible eligibility for good student discounts, etc…</p>
<p>Those factors alone can sway dollar amounts hundreds of dollars. </p>
<p>I pay 100/month for some pretty decent coverage. Drive a 98 Toyota truck. Have had my license for 2.5 years. Got in a disputed at-fault accident that totaled my mom’s car (was a 98 Toyota as well - total loss was ~$3500) and coverage went up around 150/6months of coverage, so not too bad all things considered. </p>
<p>A buddy of mine has the bare, legal minimum in the state of California for a 00 Chevy van with only one speeding ticket (going 85 on a 65 fwy) and has been licensed for nearly 4 years. He pays roughly 35/month through some online site, but like I said, it’s just insurance in the sense that he follows the law.</p>
<p>Around here it would cost me like $250-300 a month. Had a pretty bad accident a year ago. But even when I leave that out of the quote estimate calculator thing, it’s still pretty god damn high. </p>
<p>The state you are getting insurance in matters a lot. I had to pay $200/mo for a 2002 Ford Escort and I had a clear record. Insurance is high in Florida, where I lived then. Here in Wisconsin I’m told it’s less, but now I don’t have a clear record anymore so I’m not sure how much it would be. Thank god I don’t have to get insurance or drive anywhere.</p>
<p>A friend of mine brought her car to campus freshman year but is not planning on taking it back with her after winter break just because the cost of maintenance on a college campus is so high. Being a young driver, insurance is generally going to be at least $100/month, but also remember depending on where you’re going to school, parking can be almost as expensive. Factor in gas and routine maintenance and a car can become somewhat impractical on campus. Especially seeing as most campuses are walkable.
Just something to consider.</p>
<p>I’m a HS Junior this year. I have my permit, but I’ve got quotes on insurance. Hopefully, by my Freshman year of college I will get a full license and a vehicle. I’m really fortunate because I’ve pulled straight As through out HS. I’m also taking a little safety class that reduces my rate.</p>
<p>My insurance would be around $100. If I hadn’t done all these things, my insurance would be around $200 to $250. My family’s insurance provider said that getting my license/driving when I’m older and in college will reduce it even more. </p>
<p>You’re insurance will probably fluctuate in the $150 to $250 range being that you are an international student and insurance providers can push you over. Try to go with smaller local insurance agencies; they tend to be the cheapest and most personal. </p>
<p>BTW, boy’s and girl’s insurance rates are evening out as insurance providers are now seeing that females are just as unsafe.</p>