How much is the IB program weighted?

<p>i was wondering how much the IB program is weighted in the eyes of UC admissions?</p>

<p>because i was thinking of either:

  • completing the IB course curriculum </p>

<p>OR </p>

<li>take AP physics. the only difference between the two options is that i would take AP physics instead of philosophy (an IB course).</li>

<p>the reason for my debate is because i was thinking of showing my intense interest in science by taking 2 years of each of the basic sciences: biology, chemistry, physics</p>

<p>I already took: biology, chemistry, physics, and AP biology. I’m already signed up for AP chemistry, but i was wondering if i should take the AP physics or just continue the IB program D:</p>

<p>if ur looking for engineering/sciences - go ap</p>

<p>if L/S, go IB</p>

<p>well. i want to enter the medical field</p>

<p>technically, the UCs don't really care about the IB program. If they did, it would be more meaningful than a checkmark on the UC application asking if you are a candidate or not :rolleyes:. I know...since I graduated and got the diploma this year. I don't know how your GPA is, but this is how it works. </p>

<p>You need the best grades under your IB courses. If you are not hard working you will get bad grades doing extra stuff like Internal Assessments, projects, etc. compared to people just doing APs. If you know IB is going to hurt your GPA with too many Bs or even Cs don't do it. </p>

<p>In my opinion, AP is much more straight-forward and easier. However, if you're getting straight As so far and want a little extra challenge and you know for SURE that you can get the IB diploma with hella good grades go for it. </p>

<p>Hands down good grades are by far the most important factor so make your decision based on that. So far though I think what you took in science is good. Just tell me more about your situation (GPA ahem) and I can help you some more.</p>

<p>umm right now..</p>

<p>my high school tells me my GPA is 4.57.</p>

<p>but i think its a little lower in the eyes of the UCs (but definitely above 4.0)</p>

<p>my ranking is within the top 5% of my graduating class.</p>

<p>As far as courses go, math and science should be my A's, and possibly with english and spanish. For sure, my grades will end up with A's and B's. :|</p>

<p>That's actually not bad. Like I said though, if you can handle the IB program and want to do it it's fine. It doesn't really give you much though. If I had the chance I never would've done it.</p>

<p>The IB program is considered an equivalent program to the AP program when reviewing applications for admission. IB courses are are given weighted GPA just like AP courses. Like always, check you high school approved course list, if attending a California High school, to confirm the course is considered a honors level course.
After admissions prior to enrollment we will review the scores you received on your IB exams or total diploma score to see if University level can be granted. Please see University</a> of California - Counselors for more information on what credit can be issued for the different IB exams.</p>