How much money would it take?

It was below freezing and snowing outside the admissions office this morning. Go for it!

Heck, for that kid, they might even bypass the legacy/random residential college selection and let him select one of the new ones. He might even be allowed to request a single :wink:

If an eight figure donation were possible for your family, I find it almost inconceivable that Development wouldn’t have reached out to your mother already to initiate a conversation about giving (having nothing to do with your applying). She would be on their radar and certainly a development officer would make an overture on his/her travels to your state.

This is what I think as well. Tell your mom to call the development officer who has been bugging her. I want to point out to those who have posted in this thread that this has nothing to do with legacy admissions. I’m cynical enough to believe that a promised gift of 8 figures would get a pretty clear indication if a particular applicant will be admitted or not, ahead of and outside of the normal admission process. My understanding is that really weak candidates aren’t getting in no matter how much money is given, though.

@Hunt I agree. Like it or not, I know from personal experience, there is far more coordination with the development office, than people would like to believe. Whether that indication is a wink or the eye, or something more formal, and at that dollar figure, folks would not lead a person down a path with a surprise ending.

Yale is not dumb. If a person has the ability to succeed at Yale (and that includes a lot of people who won’t get in based on stats these days), and that person comes with an 8-figure gift, why would Yale want to turn such a person away, as long as there aren’t too many of them? I’ll bet there aren’t more than a handful of such people each year, and most of them will complete a Yale education with no problem.

OP, please list your bank account name and numbers, including routing numbers so that we know you’re serious and not just trolling

/sarcasm off

As we count down the last 1:38 until actual decisions are released today, I do believe that the OP has all the answers needed. Therefore, this discussion is now closed.