How much more likely are you to be admitted if you apply early action vs reg. decisio

<p>Is there a definitive difference between the acceptance rates of both?</p>

<p>Also, does anyone know the acceptance rate at the College of Engineering within UIUC?</p>

<p>Depends on college. For most of LAS, applying during the priority period creates an advantage, how much is hard to gauge but more than 65% of all LAS applicants admitted are admitted EA. For business college, it creeates no real advantage and business actually defers vast majority of early applicants until Feb decision. Though engineering admits a good portion EA, the advantage is small because it too defers decision on large numbers until Feb decision. </p>

<p>Engineering usually has one of the highest admit rates of all the colleges, often 70% or more. Business has the lowest, in most recent two years below 40%. Engineering has the highest middle 50% range rank/test score but applicants are a self-selective group in that vast majority of those who apply engineering have those very high stats.</p>

<p>I know UIUC’s engineering program is one of the top colleges within the University (and in the country). What causes the admission rate of the engineering school to be so high? By the same token, what causes the business school admission rate to be so low?</p>

<p>Seats available and number who apply. The colleges work from a target enrollment number that is determined based on facilities/teachers available. For engineering it is usually about 1200 freshman that they hope to enroll. Based on experience they usually get in the range of that number who actually enroll, and often somewhat higher, by admitting somewhat above 2400 applicants. Total number of applicants to engineering can vary year to year but it is usually in the 3400 to 3500 range. Most of those who apply for engineering are in top 10% of class and have ACTs 30 or above. Thus, if you admit 2400 of 3400 you have an above 70% admission rate</p>

<p>The business college’s enrollment target is usually about 600. For them that means admitting about 1150 (that is a number that has been coming down because enrollment percentage has been increasing last few years and they have been enrolling more than they want to). Applications for business are now close to 3,000. Admit 1150 of 3,000 and you have a 38% admission rate. What has happened to business cannot be easily explained. Four years ago, it averaged about 2200 applicants a year but then the pool just exploded adding almost 15% more per year for two straight years and it then settled in where it is now.</p>

<p>from what i’ve seen in most colleges…the percentage applicants accepted in ED is higher that RD…though i really don’t know why</p>

<p>At UIUC, in Engineering for sure, there is a limited number of seats for each major. Some are undersubscribed, but some are so popular, if you don’t apply early, you won’t get your choice of major. Have a second choice.</p>