How much of a reach would I be for UW:M ?

<p>Hi guys,
I used to be a huge slacker. I didn't do homework , never studied for tests, did nothing after school...It was a disaster. Then about halfway through my sophomore year I realized that what I was doing was going to hurt me in the long run. From that point on I never recieved below a B. However, the damage had alraedy done,as my freshman year GPA was pretty low and my sophomore year GPA was just ok. Junior year I had a huge improvement and really did as well as I know I can. This year I'm doing well so far as well.</p>

<p>For Madison, I would likely apply Undecided, or some type of Arts and Sciences, whichever would be easiest for me to be accepted.</p>

<p>So here are my stats, and tell me if i'm going to get in or not make it to the colleges on my list</p>

<p>Freshman year: 2.78 GPA
Sophomore Year: 3.14 GPA (Honors English)
Junior Year: 3.72 GPA (AP Gov, Honors English, History, Business classes.)</p>

<p>Cumulative GPA: 3.23</p>

<p>School doesn't rank.</p>

<p>I go to a top 10 school in NJ, and we typically do very well at most colleges (Northern Highlands)</p>

<p>took SATs a few times:
SAT 2 section single score: 1230
SAT 2 Section Superscore: 1250
SAT 3 Section single score: 1910
SAT 3 secion super score: 1930</p>

DECA Member/ Participant (reached states) Junior Year -Senior Year
Stock Market club member freshman year
Big Brother Program Participant Junior year (Program was cut by state)
Summer Camp CIT for one year, then Counselor the last two years.
Bowling Team JV junior year, may do again this coming year.
Rec Basketball up to Sophomore year.</p>

<p>my senior schedule:
AP Psych
SUPA (Syracuse level college class) English
SUPA Forensics
Honors Calc
Film Studies
Chance me.
I aced my first Quarter, got All A's and only B's in Psych and English; It was a 4.05 GPA.</p>

<p>So can I overcome my bad freshman year with my huge upward trend?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say it’s impossible, but your GPA is low and your test scores are average. Your course rigor is definitely top of the line, which is the only thing giving you a fighting chance. I’d say apply and see what happens, though it is definitely a reach.</p>

<p>Remember UW (no M -that’s another campus) uses unweighted grades, no extra points for course difficulty. You didn’t ace (means all A’s) your first quarter- you got 2 B’s. Go ahead and apply, you may get in. Also have other schools and good recommendations plus essays. You seem to have one EC currently.</p>

<p>No matter what your chances are for any school you will do yourself a big favor if you keep up your best work the entire year. That will prepare you for college work- don’t slack off next spring.</p>