How much of an increase in Reading score is realistic?

<p>Scores for June test were:</p>

<p>Composite 27
English 30
Math 26
Reading 23
Science 28
Writing/Eng 30</p>

<p>That reading score obviously needs to increase ... how much of an increase is realistic by doing lots and lots of practice tests? Is it wise to just focus on getting the reading up if aiming for a composite of 28 or 29 ?</p>


<p>I improved mine from a 29 to a 35. The first time I took it, I had absolutely no preparation and just woke up the morning of the test and took it. When I got my scores back, the Reading (as well as Science, which shocked me a bit when I first saw it!) was my lowest score and bringing my composite down significantly. So I spent a couple of weeks doing several Reading subtests and cutting myself short a couple minutes on time during practice so that I would not run out of time during the real test. With moderate practice, the real test was much easier and far more successful! </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>You did well in the other sections, so I think you could most likely increase your reading by a lot. My friend went from a 21 in reading to a 30. :)</p>

<p>yeah i went from a 27 to a 33</p>