How much of your tuition was covered with grants/scholarships?

<p>Hello all Hampshire College students...
I'm over here on pins and needles for about a week... I had an email from Hampshire College inquiring about some specifics to see if I can get financial aid, so <em>fingers crossed</em> <em>knock on wood</em> I got in? HOWEVER... I would be a transfer student and I don't have any money- well very little- I have a EFC on the FAFSA of "0" so I get the full Pell Grant of $5500.00. I am a nontraditional student and would be living off campus. I was wonderring A. If there is anyone else similar to my position at Hampshire and B. How much did you get in scholarships and grants? I used the calculator they have... even though it is out of date, and it said that all I would have to pay is .3% of the tuition... that would be so awesome if that were true. Also, how much was the deposit? Are we looking at 2k or $200? I have maybe at most $400 to spend on a deposit without getting student loans. </p>

<p>Just a lot of financial questions... meh.</p>

<p>Freshman deposit is nonrefundable $400, so I’m guessing transfer deposit would be the same.</p>

<p>We’re not in you situation, but I’ll share our experience anyway. S applied as a freshman and got accepted EA. He loves Hampshire and was awarded their “most prestigious merit scholarship”. He also got a small amount of presumably need-based aid, but unfortunately, so far, this would still be the most expensive college for him to attend. </p>

<p>I hope things are able to work out for you to go to Hampshire. 2013-14 tuition and fees alone are expected to be over $46,000, so it sounds like you will need an extremely generous award. I didn’t think Hampshire was in a position to give out huge sums of FA, but if their NPC says that you’d only be expected to pay .3% of tuition, you never know. </p>

<p>Regarding our experience with their NPC, the “you pay” figure we get from it looks A LOT better than the one we got in the actual FA package. It’s a very simple NPC AND the costs in it are those from 2009-10, so keep that in mind. Looking at the numbers percent-wise, though, his actual net price pretty much matches the percent from the NPC. I guess I must have initially missed that the costs were so out-of-date. Crossing my fingers for you that you’ll get the aid you need in order to attend!</p>

<p>As for me, going through this particular paperwork again is depressing. I’m going to go pull out one of his other (much better) packages to cheer myself back up. LOL</p>

<p>We were offered a financial aid ‘package’ that allowed us to pay our EFC, according to our FAFSA. However, pay careful attention to how much of the package is grants vs. loans vs. work-study salary. Also, any merit aid that you receive does not add to the package, it reduces the grants (and/or loans) by that amount.</p>

<p>I’d also suggest talking to the financial aid office. We did and they increased our son’s award. They are very nice folks and easy to work with.</p>

<p>Hey neuronerd! I’m a fall 2013 transfer that got in, and I have an EFC of 00013, so a little above 0 (I’ve been 0 semesters past)
I received a merit scholarship from hampshire, but total grants+scholarship knocked the price down from $60,000/yr to about $20,000/yr. So I believe, if you were admitted, maybe they would give you around $5000 more per year or so? I don’t know how financial aid really works behind the scenes, but I hope you got in!</p>

<p>eelizabeth, Congrats on getting in! I have been accepted too! I haven’t received my fin aid package yet, so I am nervous. What do you want to study there?</p>

<p>Niiice! I’m so happy for us!
I want to study education and child development and neuroscience and a Five-College supported east asian concentration. I pretty much want to do everything. </p>

<p>And you?</p>

<p>I got my fin aid package and I am super excited. I’m not living on campus so I am getting a really good package. I am going to be studying neuroscience as well! We should talk! I don’t know anyone at hampshire and I am moving from Chicago.</p>

<p>I see that you’re also non-trad! We should definitely keep in contact with each other. Did you happen to go to the Accepted Students day just this past Saturday? </p>

<p>I will be living on campus, and even with that extra $6000 or so my package was really impressive. I’m so stoked.</p>

<p>“I’d also suggest talking to the financial aid office. We did and they increased our son’s award. They are very nice folks and easy to work with.”</p>

<p>BtMell: You did this after you received your financial aid package?</p>

<p>Can you please go into more detail about how you went about asking them for more money?</p>

<p>Hi - sorry - just saw this. Yes, we spoke with financial aid after we received our son’s financial aid package. We detailed expenses that we had that weren’t covered in any detail by the CSS Profile that were unique to our situation. We also had offers from other institutions that were considered to be comparable to Hampshire that we copied and gave them. My son is now a third year student at Hampshire and loves it there.</p>