How much people can I bring in a interview?

Hello guys,

My parents were wondering whether they could bring my little brother to my interview on hotchkiss, I don’t really know if its allowed, so my question is whether I can bring both my parents and my little brother to the interview, or should it be just me and my dad.

Thanks in advance.

Please leave your little brother someplace beside at your interview. This is about you…not about family time.

@skieurope your thought?


From my experience, the actual interview should just be you, whether you are in person or on video. Regarding the visit to a school, I would limit it to parents and avoid siblings if possible. However, if that is not possible just prepare them for a long day.

I hope that answers your question. Good luck!

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My son attends an 8 school. Not sure how Hotchkiss does this but when he was applying at a couple of the other 8 schools, he was interviewed on his own. Us, parents, were then given an opportunity to talk with the interviewer afterwards. As for your sib, it depends on your sibs age and how bored your sib might be. If there is a chance your sib might also attend Hotchkiss or another boarding, it might be a good opportunity for your sib to check out the school. Good luck.

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In the interview itself, it’s just you; your parent remains outside. The school may do a separate session afterward for a parent interview / Q&A. Or they may not.

As far as bringing the younger brother for the trip, if he wants to go and is potentially interested in the school for him when the time comes, it’s fine. If he doesn’t want to go, your parents should arrange a Plan B tor him.


Do you mean to campus?

Often families travel together. Not an issue to bring your little brother, but he won’t go in the interview room. Your parents may want to keep him engaged outside/on campus, or playing board games. Hotchkiss and numerous others have an area in admissions where siblings can play board games, read books, etc. Your parents just need to make sure your sibling is well behaved, and if he gets antsy, they need to be prepared to bring him outside. I think it’s nice when it’s a family endeavor, and this process affects everyone in the family.

One or both your parents may also be asked to speak to the interviewer for 5-15 minutes after you are done.


Agree. I meant that the sibling shouldn’t be IN the interview. That’s for the student.


It is fine to come to the school with other family members, but only you will be in the interview room.


When I asked this question, I wanted to know whether I could bring him along for the campus tour before the interview. Since he’s probably going to apply next year, I apologize for any confusion; I should have worded it more clearly. Thanks!

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Unless this campus tour is specifically for this year’s applicants (you) it is absolutely fine for your sibling to come along.

Really…when reading this originally, I thought your sibling was a much younger one! This will give your sib a chance to see the school as well.

Good luck with your interview and application.

Thank you!