How much time a day do you spend studying and doing homework?

<p>Some classes really won’t be that bad, especially in general education because you’ve already learned most of this in high school. For example, in history I already had a general background in history since I loved it in high school. I recognized the subjects and issues well and knew what was going on. I never read either semester unless it was at the beginning of the year(where I generally feel most motivated to read) or when I had to write an essay. For our exam we were given essay questions that we would have to answer. The most studying I did was finding the answers to those essays and learning them. As long as I attended lecture, I was fine.</p>

<p>English was the same way. I didn’t learn a thing in that class that I hadn’t been lectured on over and over again in high school.</p>

<p>It could be different for others :wink: You just have to find out what’s right for you.</p>

<p>Not a lot right now, but then again, it’s summer, and it’s a community college.</p>