How much will a C in 1st semester freshman year hurt my chances to a big school?


So in my freshmen year (currently a sophmore) I had all As in 5 subjects and one C in honors biology. I took Geometry and Honors English that year as well. The following semester I had gotten all As in all 6 subjects (health, bio, english, spanish II, P.E., and math). Will that one C in freshmen year affect much if I maintain a high GPA (4.0 // Straight As) the rest of my high school career)

i am aiming for a top UC school (berkley, UCLA, Davis) or ivy if i have the luck

youre fine. UC’s don’t look at freshman year grades.

UC’s do look at Freshman grades to make sure you pass all a-g courses with a C or higher. The UC’s do not use Freshman grades in their GPA calculation, only 10-11th grades. One C will not impact your chances greatly, especially if you show improvement over time.

for UCs, GPA is king… to be competitive for the top UCs, you need a GPA above 4.2 (among other things) - Course rigor and GPA are a difficult balance. An A in regular Bio beats a C in Honors Bio. Be sure to take classes you are confident you can Ace.

Ivy leagues vary but, freshman grades are a factor at most. One C freshman year doesn’t necessarily rule out Harvard but, with a 5% acceptance rate, a school like Harvard is an unlikely target even with a perfect transcript.

You should know that there are lots of great schools outside the UC and ‘Ivy’ system. Do your best and keep an open mind.
good luck.