How much will a hook help me?

<p>Hi everyone, I am a Latino and am also first generation. I have the stats that most applicants have (great GPA, etc). However, will these hooks put me "over the top"? (oh, for top schools)</p>

<p>You might read some of the posts at the end of the Class of 2015 thread. Last year was very tough, and so-called hooks do not guarantee admission. It’s very difficult to gauge exactly how much influence being Latino has on a particular admissions decision. First generation may also come into play. Admissions offices do not always work the same way. You will have different people reading applications at different universities, and you shouldn’t rely on anecdotal evidence. My rec is that you spend less time worrying about what they will do and instead focus on developing a good list of schools using the reach/safety/match approach and try to put together great applications.</p>

<p>I tend to agree w/Copterguy that a thorough search of the Class of 2015 thread would prove very informative, especially if you are trying to gauge where your application might be falling short. There are many, many talented URM’s that are competing for spots at top tier universities and the numbers are growing every day. Will being latina and 1st generation put you at a significant advantage at a HYPS or other top 20, well…short answer is probably not! There are far to many variables that come into play at that level of college admissions that it is almost impossible to say with any certainty what will give you that leverage to get your app on the top of the pile. </p>

<p>You need to paint a picture of yourself for the ADCOM and each piece of information on your app is a brushstroke. The higher your standarized test scores, the more varied your transcript (w/the most rigorous courses), the more unique your extra curricular activities, the more demonstrated dedication to your service oriented projects, the more complex, colorful and eye catching the picture will be. Think of your race/ethnicity and being a 1st generation as two additional brush strokes that add dimension but in and of themselves don’t “make” your picture. Hope this helps!</p>

<p>Copterguy was also very wise in saying that you should spend some time searching for safety & match schools that really fit your academic pursuits, desired location/size and that you would attend, if offered admission. These threads are full of high achieving students who really didn’t put much thought into which safety/match schools they put down only to end up distraught come April 1.</p>