How much will no Physics hurt my chances?

<p>My school completely messed up everyone's schedules this year. I'm going to be a senior, and I have two choices of what I can take. I originally planned on doing both AP Bio and Honors Physics, but that all went down the drain. I plan on going in undeclared, and I doubt I'll do Engineering, Math, or Physics for college. I might, however, be interested in Biology, which is why I'd really rather take Bio. But then I won't have taken Physics...</p>

<p>Anyway, my choices are: </p>

<p>AP Bio
Latin I
AP US History
AP Econ
German 5

<p>OR </p>

<p>Instead of AP Bio, regular level Physics. That's the only way I can get a Physics course in there. </p>

<p>The rest of my stats:</p>

<p>GPA: 3.81UW, 4.4W
Rank: 1st Decile</p>

<p>SAT: 1950 (650CR 630M 670W) -- taking it again in October and aiming for 2050-2100</p>

<p>SAT II's - taking in November for better scores</p>

<p>I've got some decent EC's but don't feel like typing em out. </p>

<p>The schools I'm looking at are NYU, USC, Emory, GWU, UMD, UDE, and U Washington. Will not having Physics matter? I think my schedule's more competitive with AP Bio. Should I call the schools and ask them?</p>

<p>It really depends on your intended major, but u stated u plan to go undecided. So my take is: no it does not matter</p>

<p>If you are really that worried, consider dropping a language. I mean, you do take Latin and German. Then, you could double up in science.</p>

<p>If you are against dropping a language, not taking physics really won't hurt your chances (although it might have an impact being a science major)</p>

<p>Depends on the school. Liberal arts care most.</p>

<p>I understand. My friend lost both of his AP classes. Anyways, you have 2 language classes, so I would consider dropping 1 for Physics.</p>

<p>^^^ Not true. As long as you have taken biology, physical/environmental science, and chemistry, don't worry. All that matters is that you have some lab science under your belt. Liberal arts care the least. The problem would be if you were going engineering, premed, chem, bio, etc. If you are looking to go humanities or business, you will be absolutely fine. I am not taking Physics either in my senior year due to a similar situation. I am taking AP Environmental Science instead, even though I had hoped to also take Honors Physics. But hey, when you are already doubling up in math it's impossible schedule-wise to double up in science too. You'll be just fine, especially as an undecided. Good luck!</p>

<p>Ah, thanks for the responses! I meant to mention this earlier but was in a rush, so I couldn't:</p>

<p>I didn't want Latin in my schedule at all. They gave me Latin because they couldn't give me Physics. I can't get it changed, according to my counselor. The only open Physics class meets during AP Bio. Arghhh!! I'd rather stick with Bio.</p>