How much will not taking any computer science classes affect my computer engineering chances?

I’m planning on attending Texas A&M with a Computer engineering major, though I have not taken any computer related classes (though I have practiced coding with Java and Python on my free time). I’m not in the top 10 percent of my school, though I have a 4.16 gpa, top 22 percent and a 1370 Sat (680 RW and 690M with 21/24 essay)which qualifies me as an auto admit academically. I’m trying hard to switch into a class this upcoming senior year but I’m not sure if it will go through. How much will it hurt me? Thanks

You are applying for general engineering so it shouldn’t matter.

More importantly, engineering will be looking for your math and physics readiness.

You will not be placed in the computer science major. You will be accepted into general engineering for your first year and you will apply to the major of preference during the second semester of freshman year.