<p>How much time do you think you spend alone in your room or studying a day?</p>
<p>Not enough…I miss the opportunity for alone time. </p>
<p>(Like an hour a day?)</p>
<p>a couple hours, probably 2-3</p>
<p>I study around 5 hours a day, (probably not as much as I should be doing) which is also my alone-time.</p>
<p>Alone? Almost never. When I am walking to class sometimes I am alone.
I study 7 hours a day, including homework.</p>
<p>I’m alone most of the day since I’m in a single.</p>
<p>Meh… sometimes…</p>
<p>On the weekdays, I’m alone in my room or in the library studying. But on the weekends, I make it a point to always go out have fun with friends.</p>
<p>I study 5-8 hours a day and am almost always alone the entire day since my roommate is never here and I am too busy to go find my friends. I am trying to figure out how to balance 400 pages of reading per day, plus papers, plus a social life still. :P</p>
<p>^ Who makes you read 400 pages a day?</p>
<p>My professors assign 50-100 pages per class every day that we have to have read for our discussion sections and in order to understand *** is going on in lecture, as I discovered the first day when I hadn’t known we’d had a reading assignment. One of my GSI’s was gracious enough to inform us which books we’d actually be getting test questions from in case we run out of time and can’t get to everything, but I have not been so lucky in my other courses. It’s interesting stuff anyway, I don’t mind, but it’s a LOT to get done.</p>
<p>I study an average of 4-5 hrs per day and I’m alone in the room anywhere from 1-4 hrs, depending on my roommate’s schedule. He goes home about 1 weekend per month, so that’s alone time too.</p>
<p>Holy moly, reading 400 pages a day?</p>
<p>the only way I’d read it, it better have a font size of 72</p>
<p>hardly ever. my roomie is always in the room when i’m studying and I work in the library so I study in my room for the most part. It’s annoying though.</p>
<p>I hope to go to law school in two years, so I really can’t complain about the reading now. XD At least this isn’t as dry as legal textbooks.</p>
<p>I am never alone, but always lonely.</p>
<p>Alone by choice? A couple hours a day usually.</p>
<p>I enjoy my alone time, and I enjoy time with my friends. The awesome thing about college is that you can find someone to hang out with pretty much anytime if you want to.</p>
<p>For me at community college, I’m pretty much alone all the time. I need a friend.</p>
<p>If I’m not doing homework or forcing myself to have alone time, then I’m usually hanging out with friends. Probably about 2-4 hours a day of no human contact. :]</p>
<p>Well, I’m alone right now as my roommate left for the weekend and I was doing homework (on break atm heh :p). During the day I’m usually alone but at night I have no problem finding some people to hang out with.</p>