How often do UCs do "augmented review"?

<p>Just curious. I am taking 5 APs and 2 CC classes and was wondering if there is going to be any motivation for doing well in those classes.</p>

<p>Google the report on augmented review that a sociology professor at Berkeley wrote a few years ago. It is a 60 page report on AR, including numbers of those picked for AR, what they are looking for in an AR admit, etc. I thought it was quite useful for my son when he was applying to the UC's. He took it to heart and got into every UC he applied to. It used to be linked on this site somewhere a couple of years ago, but it shouldn't be too hard to find on the web. Btw, if you disclose an illness/learning disbality, you have the opportunity to be placed in a pool that functions somewhat like AR.</p>