How often do you see people sleep overnight at the Leavey Library?

<p>I will be attending the University of Southern California this fall, but plan on shuttering to school from a relative's house to save money. I do not have a car so that limits my flexibility when it comes to driving to and from campus.</p>

<p>My question is, how common is it to see students sleeping in the Leavey Library, considering it is open 24 hours? In case I have work that needs to be done on campus, I want to crash in the library overnight as opposed to taking public transportation through LA's grittier areas during graveyard hours. Will there be employees telling you to leave if you get caught dozing off at a study desk at say, 2 a.m. in the morning? I just hope I'm not alone in this club.</p>

<p>no, people pass out all the time in the library and they won’t kick you out.</p>

<p>if you’re just going to take a nap for an hour or two it isn’t a big deal. but if you’re going to sleep for like 6 hours or something i would suggest that you crash at a friend’s apartment. campus cruiser will pick you up behind leavey and drop you off at their place.</p>

<p>ps: legend has it that there is a group of students who sleep at leavey library, take showers at the lyon center, and find almost all their meals from various free food events around campus (you can actually get lunch or dinner every day for free if you go to the random events that occur all over campus)</p>

<p>Yeah, I remember my freshman year that several students (international) were punished for “living” in the library.</p>

<p>I don’t know what major you will be, but I don’t really think you’ll be “doing work” that will require you to be on campus 24 hrs a day – unless you’re an Architecture major, then you’ll probably sleep in the studio anyway! Most schoolwork is 100% doable at home on your laptop.</p>

<p>I honestly think you should invest your time this summer in finding a cheap housing solution near campus or saving for a car. Your time at USC will be very difficult and strained otherwise. </p>

<p>I also don’t know where you’ll be coming from, but if it’s considerably “far” from campus (10+ miles) you should know that public transportation in LA is pretty unreliable at times, usually due to traffic/delays/route cancellations and the like. Depending on where your relatives live, it could take anywhere from an hour to three hours to get to campus every day! I’m sure it’s doable with public transportation, but you will miss out on making friends and having a “college experience” if most of your time is spent planning around the Metro schedule.</p>

<p>There are a TON of USC students who can’t spend extraordinarily large amounts of money on their housing. I am confident you’d be able to find a shared room situation that was within your monthly price range if you look around. It’s quite common to have houses or apartments with 2-3 students per room. If you lived on the West side of campus, you can probably find a room shared with one other person for about $250-$400 a month, and even less if you put three to a room! Consider it a cost that is an investment in your success at USC. If you leaved nearby (or drove) you’d have more time to work and study and socialize than you would sitting on a bus.</p>

<p>Im sure sleeping in Leavey overnight a few times a semester will not be a problem. Just have your books out or something so staff will think you just dozed off while reading. lol.</p>