How on earth was I accepted?

<p>I had a 25 act
Gpa : 3.86 unsure w or uw
ranked 15/102
A handful of ec's no real leadership positions
Now I'm afraid I'll be a 25 in a sea of 32s
Have bitten off more than I can chew by accepting my offer for this feeling normal?
It also doesn't help I do not know what I'm going to major in .... AT ALL.</p>

<p>When did you apply?</p>

<p>Hi Sturbay- dont feel like you dont deserve this acceptance because you do. Admissions must have seen things in your application that they liked because they obviously feel you are a good fit in their university. Also, dont worry about others and their scores, you can easily go to UW and work hard and get good grades. As far as a major, just pick a school subject that is your favorite or one you are most interested in and research majors in that category. And make sure the major you choose will help you with your plans after college, there are so many students getting useless degrees they cant do anything with.</p>

<p>October 21st …</p>

<p>Well, self-awareness is the first step. You’ll do fine, embrace the opportunity.</p>

<p>Geez, Stur, don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Accept it, take courses that interest you, then hammer down & work like heck. This isn’t MIT. But it is a REAL good university that can spit you out if you’re lackadaisical & fall far behind from spending too much time on State Street or playing video games.</p>

<p>You are in because you deserve to be in. Also, wisc is not a sea of 32 ACT’s. Even if it is, don’t worry about other people’s stats. A 25 ACT is a very good score, and your GPA is excellent. Apply yourself and you will be more than fine. Keep your confidence high and work hard and you will do great.</p>

<p>I’m a Freshman with almost the same stats (25 ACT and 3.8 UW GPA) as you and felt exactly the same way. UW is a great school and the opportunities are amazing, don’t feel like you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, embrace the opportunities that are coming to you and study hard. Soon the 25 or 32’s won’t matter and it will be about the amount of effort you put in to get a high GPA.</p>

<p>Your HS record quickly becomes ancient history once you start college. Sounds like you have a good work ethic and UW feels you can handle their work load. Enjoy!</p>