<p>Title explains it all...</p>
<p>My friend applied to Duke last year but he got waitlisted because he did not write the optional essay. I guess the optional essay shows how enthusiastic you are about Duke.</p>
<p>how do you know that?
did the school specifically say that he was waitlisted because he didn’t write the supplement short answer?</p>
<p>if you’re really serious about applying to duke then writing the supplemental essay shouldn’t be a problem.</p>
<p>if it is about why you want to go there, you should do it… it can only help you</p>
<p>the supplemental essay is truly optional and it really can only hurt you if you write something inaccurate or say a bunch of stuff that could be applied to pretty much any other school… at least thats what the admissions person that came to my hs said</p>
<p>another comment: I’m not sure what the Trinity one asks you ( I applied Pratt) but if it is anything about your major and why you chose it, I would write it; that’s what the majority of mine was about…I think if they see you have a dedication or a strong interest in some field of study, and for a good reason, the will regard you more highly.</p>
<p>I am in my dorm at Duke as I type this and I did NOT do the essay</p>
<p>Congrats. It is true you can definitely get in without the essay, but it just gives you one more chance of distinguishing yourself from the piles of other applicants. If you think your application is strong enough (even that might not mean a sure acceptance), you can apply and possibly get in (like iheartchemistry), but writing that extra essay just helps. And every bit helps.</p>