I plan to major in Japanese when I enter university, so out of curiosity, how popular are foreign languages to be majored in?
Not very popular. But why does popularity matter?
A little over ten percent (at Hamilton) is the highest percentage I’ve seen for students choosing a foreign languages and literatures major. However, you can use IPEDS data for any college in which you might be interested (e.g., https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?q=Hamilton&s=all&id=191515#programs).
Wow, I was very surprised that only 4.8% of the undergraduates at Middlebury College majored in a foreign language. Because of their reputation in this area, I was expecting a lot higher percent.
I agree, but why not 3.25% (22/677), @retiredfarmer?
I did not use the College Navigator, but went directly to the Middlebury website @ http://www.middlebury.edu/offices/administration/planning/mdata/ugcollege and scrolled down to “Fall 2018 Majors by Division.” The numbers I used are on page two of this PDF report should be current. This source is also free.