How prestigious is Boys Nation?

<p>I know a few people who have gone on to this program, and am curious how much something like this would help college apps. Is it something comparable to the top science competitions? or maybe more on the level of Eagle Scout? Its top two per state, and each state has Boys State programs in the hundreds (average is probably 700).</p>

<p>I also know Bill Clinton went to it lol. Any thoughts/ideas?</p>

<p>I think it would be presitigous for the UCs, USC, and other colleges.</p>

<p>I believe the Ivy Leagues would regard it as a national competition, but I'm not sure about this.</p>

<p>Which Boys State did you go to?</p>

<p>I was in CA Boys State last year.</p>

<p>I went to Green Mountain Boys' State, and I think each Boys' State is fairly prestigious in its own right, seeing as each person was nominated.</p>

<p>Boys' Nation (100 students out of at least a million) would look very, very good.</p>

<p>Bump - thanks for the responses so far.</p>