<p>Well, I've seen some threads here saying how not so great COSMOS is. But many COSMOS alum I personally know have gained acceptance into Ivies and other top colleges EA.
Also, the COSMOS admin have told us that COSMOS alums get "extra points" when applying to any UC. Basically we have an advantage.
The admit rate for our campus was 28% when I asked them. Its not RSI level, but at least the admit rate is equal to SSP. I don't get how people say it isn't prestigious . . .</p>
<p>well, i did cosmos the summer before my freshman year. truly, it was a nice experience and helped me learn about science fairs and other stuff that goes on. if you’re a fresh/soph i suggest you apply, but as a junior you should apply to more prestigious programs, like RSI. as for prestigious, it shows ur interest in math/science areas, and yeah, pretty much everyone at COSMOS i knew got into a UC. Those who got into Ivies had other stuff. also, it is insanely easy to get into. my bf, with a gpa of like 3.7, got in a couple of years ago. i don’t think he had anything math/sciency</p>
<p>it is NOT insanely easy to get into…
Most kids have 4.0s, all 5 in aps they have taken ect.
and EC are a factor.
basically its a Pre-UC type program. app is similar and ppl who get in too. so there is a range… </p>
<p>I went last year… UCI Neuroscience.
Didnt want to come home… sure its not lik super super challenging but I promise you U will NOT regret it if you go. u will make friends for life… and looks great on college apps.</p>
<p>“it is NOT insanely easy to get into…”</p>
<p>well, it depends on where and what you apply into. i did the biomedical cluster, and the teacher said he got like 150 apps, and 40 got in. so yeah, my bad for saying insanely easy to get into :)</p>
<p>yeah, it was the best summer of my life, too.</p>
<p>40 wow thats alot. no wonder u think its easy to get in…
for Neuro more than 150 1st choice plus 80 more 2 and 3rd choice…
18 spots only.</p>
<p>@dashboard, This year Cluster 7 had 400 people apply, and only 40 got accepted. So it’s no longer “insanely easy”.</p>
<p>I did COSMOS at UC Davis (the math cluster) at the end of my sophomore year. I learned a lot and it was fun. So… how about you do it because you want to not because it’s “prestigious”?</p>
<p>Oh yea. I’m at MIT now… studying math.</p>
<p>As long as you have fun and are passionate about it prestige should not matter.</p>
For the video game cluster at UC Santa Cruz’s COSMOS, over 200 people applied. However, only 23 were accepted (close to 11% acceptance rate). Some clusters, like the video game cluster, is hard to get into.