how prestigious is the yale book award?

<p>Last Friday I got a summons to the career center's office during brunch for "junior awards". I had no idea what it was all about. There were about 7 other kids there.</p>

<p>The principle was there with the career counselor and they told us that the teaching staff had selected us to recieve awards. Two kids got "academic excellence" awards and something like 24,000 scholarships to the University of Rochester! Another kid got a $70 scholarship for creative writing. I got the "Yale Book Award, for Outstanding Personal Character and Intellectual Promise". It came with a book called "An Incomplete Education" with a little fancy sticker in it. As far as I know it was donated by the Association of Yale Alumni to the School.</p>

<p>Does anyone know about this award? Is it prestigious at all? Obviously it's not as prestigious as distinguished as the awards the two kids got that came with the crazy scholarships, but maybe it's worth something.</p>

<p>hey, sorry everybody, i realized that this is the wrong place to post this, but I can't delete or even edit it anymore. Oh well</p>

<p>and, btw, i meant $24,000 :)</p>