How quick is review?

Daughter applied EA yesterday. 4.1w, great ECs, has shown interest and interviewed. When should she hear back? Just curious. I see Jan 1 but wonder if there’s a chance it’s faster than that. Not as much info on this school.

Early Decision 1 November 15 by December 15
Early Action November 15 by January 15
Early Decision 2 January 15 by February 1
Regular Decision (fall entry) January 15 by March 31
Regular Decision (spring entry) November 15 on a rolling basis

Jan 1 to Jan 15th sounds right.

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Thanks, are these dates usually accurate? I see some schools that report ea way earlier than the stated dates

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From my experience, dates are usually accurate but they sometimes notify a few days earlier.

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My daughter was notified in mid-December last year. She’s a freshman at Wheaton and absolutely loves it there so far.


School dates are usually accurate within a few days.

I encourage you & daughter to relax as the admit rate is quite high for this school (75% or a bit higher).

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Can I ask how the interview was?

Interview was very relaxed and conversational. She spoke with a current student who works in admissions office.

Thank you! Was it done online?

Yep, zoom

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