How quickly do engineering majors fill up?

<p>Okay so I'm a rising senior this year looking to apply to A&M during the fall semester. I'm interested in applying for the chemical engineering program, but it is my understanding that engineering majors fill up pretty quickly.</p>

<p>I've only taken the SAT once in January. CR- 660 / M- 640 / W- 660
I'm also in the top twelveish percent of my class. I understand that this makes me eligible for automatic admission, but I was looking to retake the SAT in October to get a 2100+ for scholarship opportunities. Also, my math score was kind of a shocker to me (I scored consistent 740s-780s on practice tests).</p>

<p>Would it be safe for me to apply late October/early November?</p>

<p>You can submit your improved SAT after you take it but get your application in as early as you can. I believe that chemical engineering is one of the more popular engineering majors. As I understand it you really won’t gain anything by waiting.</p>

<p>The above post is correct. I would get my app in asap such that you get auto acceptance into the school along with a better chance of intended engineering major. ChemE will fill up quickly.</p>

<p>Also aside from the benefit of getting into your major with an early application you will also have an increased chance of getting into the dorm of your choice with an early acceptance.</p>

<p>Hold on, so it’s possible to submit an improved SAT score after the admissions application is turned in? I’m in a similar situation as harmelion and I have to make sure</p>

<p>Yes, you can submit SAT scores after you’ve turned in your application. </p>

<p>harmelion, that would not be safe. Chemical Engineering fills up VERY quickly.</p>

<p>Oh gosh. This is making me nervous. How quickly does ChemE fill up exactly?
The earliest I can get my entire app in is mid September.</p>

<p>I’m not quite sure, but I know that October/November would be pushing it.</p>

<p>Blanco: Yes…I know for a fact that you can submit SAT’s after your application is in. To be sure about how this impacts scholarships check with admissions. I don’t think most scholarship decisions come in until way after the rolling automatic admission notification comes in so I expect that the best SAT would be what is considered. I’m just basing that timing on my S’s notifications, I don’t know that he is typical.</p>

<p>Thanks! This takes so much stress off!</p>