How quiet is Davidson?

<p>Sorry this is such a strange question but I just can't stand noise. I have a hard time sleeping/studying with noise. </p>

<p>I live in CA & I can't visit due to financial problems. </p>


<p>To be honest, it mostly depends on where you live. </p>

<p>If you choose to live on a substance-free hall (meaning no alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc. allowed on the hall, in your room, or on your person while you’re on the hall), you’re likely to have a very quiet hall. That’s not to say that sub-free kids are avoidant or antisocial or anything – they’re just generally a lot less rowdy.</p>

<p>If you don’t choose to be sub-free (and sometimes, even if you ask for it, you won’t get it because there’s not always space – two designated girls halls, two designated boys halls), you’re most likely to have quiet, regardless, especially in Watts, Richardson, and Cannon. Belk tends to be a little louder because it’s two huge floors of about 70 freshmen each, both male and female on the same floor (though gender-divided by wing). But the sound-proofing in rooms is good and the kids take the work seriously enough to know that after a certain hour, it’s rude to be out in the hall making noise.<br>
Unless there’s yelling or very, very loud talking, I can’t hear anything through my Watts door.</p>

<p>A lot of whether or not your experience is quiet depends on your roommate. And I’m afraid that is up to chance no matter where you decide to go. You could get a loud, rowdy roommate at UCLA. At Harvard. At Virginia Tech. At Stanford. At Amherst. It doesn’t matter. That’s luck and that’s universal.</p>

<p>But the difference between Davidson and all those other places is that our hall counselors (freshmen RAs) are much more concerned with the best interests of every student on their hall. They are hall counselors because they want to be hall counselors and they want to do their job properly. So, if you have a roommate concern with noise or anything else, all you have to do is speak with them and they’ll put it straight.</p>

<p>Kiefer, I am afraid your going to have some trouble wherever you go to school. Certainly, a substance free hall would help, but you are going to hear noise on a college campus. I would think a school like Davidson would be better than most, but wherever you have a large number of 18-22 year old college students, noise will happen. Good luck and perhaps this could be a blessing in that many work environments will have noise also. Perhaps college will provide an environment that will allow you to better adapt to noise. I hope everything works out.</p>