How "random" are the random roommate assignments?

<p>I'm worried that if I can't find a roommate by May 15th, I might be randomly paired with someone that I have nothing in common with. Do the people in charge of roommate assignments just randomly put two people together, or will the pairings only be slightly random with people being matched up based on survey answers and interests?</p>

<p>I think you are guaranteed to be matched with someone w/ the same smoking preference, but other than that I would assume they just use the same system that generates the matches it suggests to you to pick roommates. So for example, I don’t really care what kind of music my roommate likes or when he will go to bed, but I would prefer that he is a marine science major and not some total dbag lax bro (i.e. “interested in greek life”). There is no way for the res life people to know what attributes I value over others, but I would assume they would try to match you with who they think is the “best match.”</p>

<p>So would they determine the “best match” by looking on the surveys we did on MyUM and just put the people with the most similar answers, based on percent match?</p>

<p>I think so…</p>