How rigorous is Geneseo?

<p>What is the workload like? Specifically, what are the intro science/math courses (typical pre-med requirements) like?</p>

<p>I could tell you it is not a lot of work but that would not be the truth. Many of my friends were pre-med (they all got into med school). The intro classes are some of the tougher classes because that is where students start to figure out they can't handle the work. Remember you are going to school with students who all got A's for the most part in highschool. Not everyone gets an A at Geneseo. </p>

<p>You need to study and study, and study for this major.</p>

<p>Ahh that worries me a bit, i'm willing to work hard but how do able are A's in those courses?</p>

<p>I plan on attending Geneseo and completing the pre-med courses but I don't want it to kill my GPA for when it comes time to apply to medical schools. </p>

<p>I don't mind putting in several hours of studying but I would like to know if this will be an uphill battle to maintain decent grades.</p>

<p>You just have to make sure you study. It is not impossible just not easy.</p>

<p>Oh alright thanks for the info. </p>

<p>Sounds just right for me then, seems like it would prepare you quite well for medical school.</p>

<p>U got it. Hey, I remember some highschool friends of mine who attended schools where all u had to do was be breathing in order to get accepted. They went from being C or B students to A students overnight.</p>

<p>Their workload was nowhere near what mine was at Geneseo. </p>

<p>However, I went onto Grad school and kicked some butt professionally. I truly owe much of my success to the education I received at Geneseo. </p>

<p>It is challenging but worth it in the end.</p>

<p>How about the non-pre-med major? My son is interested in English/writing and a minor in music. He is in mostly IB classes for the last two years, so he is used to that workload. Is that reasonable preparation? He will be doing the overnight visit on 4/13-4/14. Hopefully talking to students will help.</p>

<p>I just heard that two weeks ago an individual that attended Geneseo hung himself. Whether or not the rigor of the school is behind this unfortunate event, Geneseo is certainly rigorous. I have never heard someone say the classes are easy and many say the classes are "f-ing" hard. Like many schools, studying is basically a requirement to do well. However, this rigor will not inhibit one's ability to have fun.</p>

<p>I am not sure of rht hanging of a student but I agree with sean256 Geneseo is rigorous. U got it sean256...if u study and balance that with a social life you are fine.</p>

<p>sean describe your week schedule? many late-nighters via hw? and is there a lot of time between classes? how early does your day start and anything else you think might give us a sense of how it is..</p>

<p>That rumor of someone hanging themselves is completely untrue..don't know where you heard that from... I would say Geneseo is very rigorous but absolutely manageable if you balance your time right. I have an early class in the morning so i'm always up at eight. I'd say maybe 2 nights a week I will stay at the library until midnight. Plenty of people are there very late as well..Its a very academically focused school with students that do a great job of balancing work and play.</p>

<p>It is not untrue. I would not make something up like that, and there are no publications about suicides because the media does not like to sensationalize and give others the idea to do the same if they are somewhat unstable. You may not of heard about it for that reason AND he/she was a commuter to the college. My source is very close to the college (not student) and I will say no more about the incident out of respect for all parties involved.</p>

<p>dbear- I don't attend Geneseo but a lot of kids I know do. So, I can't answer your specific questions. Sorry.</p>