How selective are Oberlin, Skidmore, Connecticut College?

Harvard CDS 2020-2021 lists an average GPA of 4.22, so it can be weighted.

Not necessarily, I would imagine that Harvard students have all A+ grades.

There is no standardized way to calculate CDS GPA. Some schools don’t even try to complete that field. At the schools that do complete the CDS GPA field, the ways in which they calculate it vary greatly…seriously, the way the sausage is made is all over the place.

Bottom line, If one doesn’t know how the GPA is calculated at a given school, it’s not useful. Institutional reporting departments typically complete the CDSs, so if one has a burning desire to know the details, reach out to that dept and ask.

One more thing, there are schools where the inst reporting department calculates GPA for purposes of the CDS in a different way than how admissions re-calculates GPA when evaluating applicants (if they recalculate GPA at all). So, it’s relatively more important for applicants to know how (if) admissions recalculates GPA, then the next step would be to find out if that’s what is reflected on the CDS. :exploding_head:

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That inconsistency in how colleges recalculate and report HS GPA is likely why many here lean on SAT and ACT scores to determine admission selectivity and applicant chances. But that can be an inaccurate way of estimating if the college does not give SAT or ACT scores that much weight (even before test optional or blind became more common).


Exactly! This is why I’m struggling to rank these schools in selectivity compared to other, larger schools where I can get more info.

The Princeton Review provides selectively ratings (e.g., Oberlin College - The Princeton Review College Rankings & Reviews) — I believe the scale extends from 60–99:

Oberlin: 93
Skidmore: 93
Connecticut College: 93

For additional perspective, you can compare these ratings to those of other colleges.


Thank you so much - this is very helpful! (and funny that they are identical…)

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I’m not an expert, but I will say that the numbers you find at places like niche are way out of date. Try looking for a story on each colleges 2026 class, as they sometimes send out a communication or have it in the school paper. The latest numbers will show you better how difficult every school is.


Harvard CDS 2020-2021 lists an average GPA of 4.22, so it can be weighted.”

I was referring to the GPA score range where the max GPA on the form is 4.0, not 4.0 or above. In that box, Harvard says approximately 73% have a 4.0 but you’re right then they say the average is 4.22. so it can be confusing.

That would be my sense as well, although if someone told me they were a push I’d believe that too. Skidmore has become increasingly selective and seems to catch people by surprise on that point. D was recruited to play soccer at all 3. She never visited any of the Ohio schools, but did an unofficial to Conn and an official to Skidmore. She was very turned on by Skidmore and Saratoga Springs and would have chosen it but for a couple of things that were particular to her situation.


My daughter will be a freshman at Skidmore this fall but one thing, in particular, speaks to your situation - she, too, got her footing her sophomore year. In my kid’s case, she was diagnosed with impressive ADHD after her freshman year (when she got NO A’s in academic subjects. Not a single one.) Started meds in November of her sophomore year and turned into a whole different kid. All A’s, good AP and IB scores. But no way to “fix” her GPA in terms of highly competitive schools. Her guidance counselor said that Skidmore looks at the whole kid, and they were right. (Her strengths were music and art, essay and recommendations. And we did visit.) She did not apply to Vassar because it’s too close to home - but Skidmore does have a reputation for being a haven for all the kids who didn’t get admitted there.
Anyway - good luck!!!


Fantastic - congratulations to your kid!! This is a really helpful and reassuring response - I appreciate it!

My kid is heading to Oberlin for a double degree. His unweighted GPA is a little over a 3.8. His weighted GPA is about 4.4. He did not have an opportunity to take the SATs (Canceled too many times). Once his non-academic subjects are factored out of his GPA, it falls a little bit but definitely well over a 3.5 Hope this helps!

The whole more competitive/less competitive piece is silly. We know that Oberlin had record-breaking number of applications last year and (Thankfully) is not releasing admissions numbers (Do you really need them?).

Personally, it is about a best-fit school. My kid was accepted to schools that have a lower and higher admit rate than Oberlin BUT Oberlin just made the most sense for my kid as we looked closer at all the schools. (The published admit rate range from the colleges that accepted my kid is 9%-65%, ultimately, it is about the best-fit school).


Well, the information can be useful other than for bragging rights. For one, it might help to determine fit to know a bit about the cohort at a given school. For another, it helps determine where to focus application energy.


Does anyone know why this would be? Is it because their yield is higher for men? I’m not sure why they would they reject more men rather than opting for closer balance in their gender ratio.

Conn College is currently my S24’s top choice (would likely consider ED). We thought being male would help him🤔.

Thanks to @upstatemom22 for the post about Skidmore and ADHD. Skidmore is also high on my son’s “reach” list and he is dyslexic.


I would speculate that they get a stronger female applicant pool as they do value high GPA and scores to keep up with the Joneses.


Maybe they get fewer female applicants, so in order to create a balanced class they need to accept them at a higher rate.

My son went to Conn College (class of 2007) and at the time I hoped that his being male would give him an extra boost. Who knows.


I guess that’s it. I thought it was nice that boys would have a slight edge since they do tend to mature later than girls. From the statistics, it looks like they do at Vassar, but not at Conn or Skidmore. Oh, well!

You can find admission numbers on the Common Data set for every school, including Oberlin.

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