How selective are summer college programs? (like northwester, harvard, etc)

<p>I know they're not supposed to be that selective. But would I be safe just applying to one?</p>

<p>I don't want to have to keep asking my teachers for recommendations because I'm going to be asking them for real college recommendations later, so I don't want to annoy them...
(or do most people use the same letter for each one they apply to)</p>

<p>I have pretty good grades/PSAT scores and I'm interested in either Northwestern, Harvard or Georgetown summer programs in Arabic.</p>

<p>What’s wrong with asking your teachers for recs? Just ask them to save the rec so they can print it off/make copies easily. And be sure to write a thank you note. You SHOULD be safe… but don’t just apply to one because you don’t want to ask for more recs.</p>

<p>I dunno, I just don’t want to be a pest…</p>

<p>Don’t worry about pesting. I used the same teachers for my college recommendations as I did for my summer program recommendations. They were happy to help out. For example, I used one teacher two years in a row for summer program recommendations and I was worried that I would be annoying him if I asked for a college recommendation. When I finally had the guts to ask him, he looked relieved. He’d see me in the hallways and we’d greet one another all the while he was wondering when I’d finally ask him. So go for it now and ask them again, they’re willing to help out.</p>

<p>Summer programs for high school students at Colleges are mostly Pay to Play programs, run as profit centers - they are a business.</p>

<p>If you will learn and grow there - apply. But don’t be fooled by the “Prestige.”</p>