How selective can I be

<p>I know there are plenty of people hear asking these questions but just checking.
African American Male from Louisiana
Want Engineering Degree
ACT: 28(bad i know but 35-Math)
SAT in April plus retake ACT so maybe 1350, 30
Should I take SAT II Math 1 or 2?</p>

<p>3.94 GPA uw, 4.3 w (School only offers a few Honors)
End of this year 11 Honors 4 for Next year so 15 total
2 APs Calculus and Physics next year
rank around 5 of 210
District Rally 10th Grade Chemistry
District Rally 11th Grade Trigonometry
Probably National Acheivement Scholar</p>

Spanish Club
10th Treasurer of National Junior Honor Society
National Honor Society
Whose who among High School Students
Student Ministry one of 7 Juniors selected for a majority Senior activity
9-12 Track
Ran in State indoor meet 11th grade 7th in State and 5th
11,12 Cross Country
I would like to walk on running somewhere or maybe a school with good running areas </p>

Selected to District Honor Choir 11th grade</p>

<p>I can go to LSU on full ride already but want to go OOS</p>

<p>You have a shot at some good engineering programs. If your ACT/SATs are really lopsided, with math being much higher, you may want to look at schools like CMU and Lehigh and other techie schools. MIT has a great summer engineering program for minorities, it's free, don't know if it's too late to apply but that would really be a great intro and impressive to a lot of schools.</p>

<p>I forgot to add over 60 hours of community service last summer at a hospital plus over 30 more from Sophmore and Freshman year
This summer i will add some more</p>

<p>How about
Ga. Tech

<p>What about Rice? I got accepted with a lower ACT score. And if you studied you could easily pull your ACT up to a 30 or higher.</p>