How seriously should I be taking the Supplement questions?

<p>Many students from my school are applying to Wake. I read a lot of their supplement answers and they all seemed to communicate the same 'do-gooder', model student shpeal.<br>
I am half trying the stand out and half tired of the 'fake it to make it' philosophy, so I answered the majority of the questions in a sarcastic, intuitive way. Oh and most of my answers are 2-3 sentences.<br>
Anyone think I might be screwing myself over? or Should I just go with it?</p>

<p>Scratch this…I just saw a similar thread</p>

<p>yeah in that thread they all pretty much said don’t do that. i decided that a couple of my answers will be semi-sarcastic i.e. define cool- slightly cold.</p>

<p>thanks… so do you think answers should fill the whole space? aka would 2-3 sentences be too short?</p>