How should I do my semester schedule?!

Finishing up my time as a transfer student after changing majors. Currently doing biological sciences and the classes left as a transfer that I have are all physics, chemistry, math and biology. I have 2 bio classes, 2 physics, one math, 2 chemistry. For chemistry it is organic 1 and 2, for math it is pre-calculus, for physics it’s phyisics 1 and 2, and for biology it is principles of bio 1 and microbiology. Assuming that I stick with my plan and transfer without a degree, I can essentially just do the rest at university. For me I struggle with math because a lot of equations look the same even though they are different but if I really sit and study hard, then I understand. So with these left, would it be ideal to do 3 classes or 4 classes a semester? I’m a 4.0 student, science is generally easy for me once I sit and really understand the process as well as for math, testing for me is easy once I figure out how to manipulate what’s being asked. I’ve never taken physics before either so I’m not sure how well I will do with physics but if any advice is there to help me learn and understand please let me know! What is the best thing to do with classs like this left with my situation?

Thanks in advance!

I’d recommend completing precalculus before attempting physics.
Orgo is a weeder everywhere.
So I think you should take precalculus, Orgo, and principles of biology only, perhaps add a class known to be easy at your college so that you don’t slip under “full time”.