How should I rank colleges for UCSD?

<p>Here are my current rankings:</p>

Earl Warren:1,
Eleanor Roosevelt:3,
Thurgood Marshall:4,
John Muir:5,
Sixth College:6</p>

<p>I am an engineering major, and I don't really know much about the different colleges at UCSD. How do you guys think I should rank these on my UC app?</p>

<p>I encourage you to rank them as the following:</p>

<p>1) Warren
2) Muir
3) Marshall
4) Sixth
5) ERC
6) Revelle</p>

<p>Ok jarjar, I took your advise. I hope its good! lol but I did hear that sixth college is in a sucky location…</p>

<p>lol, 6th’s dorms are literally log cabins, hence the name camp snoopy… you can do any order you want, just put erc and revelle last</p>

<p>if you’re an engineer warren is most suitable</p>

<p>What would you guys say for Economics major? Thanks.</p>

<p>I’d say rank Muir as number 1 for all majors except for Engineering.
If you’re an engineer, rank Warren as number 1.</p>