<p>The conundrum is that I'm entering my junior year this fall, and of course I'll be studying for the SAT's for the better part of the summer. However, from what I've read from "experts" and whatnot, is that companies and classes tend to teach the SAT the "wrong" way and rob you of your money. My parents insist that I take a class but I'm reluctant because of this. My parents gave me 3 options: A private tutor, class 5 days a week, or class only on Saturdays. The class I would be taking isn't from a big company, it's more of those small establishments that specialize in test-taking prep. I also need to boost my extracurriculars and service hours and whatnot, and I don't think classes 5 days a week would allot me time for that, I don't know though. If I do end up just doing self-studying, I wouldn't even know how besides reading over books.</p>
<p>I have been self-prepping for the past couple of months, and I would like to think that I am organized.. the only problem is, after I get the past the couple of prep books that I have (Mike Barrett's black book and Maximum SAT) and all the tests in the big Blue Book, I wouldn't know what to do then. To be frank, I'm not sure how to maximize my studying for the SAT, if I were to self-prep. However, I find that prep classes don't maximize my studying neither (I took one on Saturday's through the whole school year).</p>