How significantly greater is the General Education requirement over the classes needed in a major?

So let’s say I want to major in CS. There are x classes/credits I HAVE to take in order to major in CS, and there are y credits that I (like all other students regardless of major) have to earn to graduate. Does y far outweigh x? I’m thinking about taking many of the simpler AP exams in my senior year to amass a lot of credits, so will all of these credits be efficiently transferred into the gen education requirement at UCLA? I plan on taking most prereq classes because those are the ones that set me up for the hard late-college classes.THANKS.

Well to start off, this is how your AP credit will be counted. If it doesn’t give you a specific class, then it doesn’t transfer as credit for a specific class. So a 5 on AP Psych with get you out of Psych 10 at UCLA, but a 5 on AP Chem will not get you out of anything. When it says introductory/general, that means it doesn’t apply to any one class and thus won’t get you out of something. Note that AP Calc scores can get you out of some prereq math classes.

computer science falls in the engineering school so these are your GE requirements:

You can’t pass out of any of those requirements under the “foundations of knowledge” category through AP Credit, you actually have to take those classes

As far as basic college requirements you can get out of stuff like the US History requirement with a good APUSH score, or English Comp 3 with good scores on AP English Lit or Lang. You an also satisfy foreign language by taking a placement exam/AP credit.

All of that credit is counted towards your academic standing. I came in with 56 AP credits, but only about 15 of them counted for any class/requirement. I was considered a sophomore by first quarter here which helped get me a slightly better pass time (better class sign up) but that’s about it.