How soon can I transfer back in?

<p>Question: How soon would I be able to transfer back into HSU? The website ( said they are closed to undergraduate transfer applications for Fall 2014. But I was not sure if they will be accepting undergraduate transfer applications for Spring 2015? </p>

<p>My info: I went to HSU for 3 semesters from 2009-2010 and acquired 33 units, left with good academic standing. But, my educational leave form expired last semester. So they (HSU admissions front desk people) said to apply using</p>

<p>Confused about: On the HSU website it said as an undergraduate transfer you need 60 units to transfer back in. I am wondering if you have already attended HSU once, do you still need 60 units to transfer back in? Or will I have to go to a community college (College of the Redwoods) to acquired 60 units then transfer back into HSU?</p>
