How strict are engineering transfer requirements?

Hello. I am a student at a small liberal arts college hoping to transfer to Cornell engineering next year. I have a few questions about the course requirements:

(1) I am hoping to transfer to EECE but they say that successful candidates have usually taken digital logic design. I go to a liberal arts college so this isn’t possible. Should I email them, or just apply for mechanical engineering instead?

(2) Instead of one semester of physics and one semester of chem, I have taken two semesters of physics. Is this a big problem?

I guess my main question is that if I came in with some courses required later on, could I still be accepted with sophomore standing? The website it quite unclear.

Personally I wouldn’t pick a completely different major than I wanted just because of timing of taking two courses.
I don’t know for a fact what their policy is, but they’d be silly to be overly rigid about it. IMO.
You could offer to make up Chemistry over the summer if you are admitted.Though in truth lacking it won’t hurt you much as an EE (aside from that fact that irt is a requirement).
I don’t know to what extent the lack of the digital logic design course would hurt you for your Fall semester courses.
I’m thinking not much. It’s main use might be as a point of verification that you really want EE. But that’s something you might want to talk to them about.