<p>93 lbs? you need to eat girl.</p>
<p>5'9 :( ten char</p>
<p>6'2 female. No kidding. :)</p>
<p>wow....you're a beanstalk</p>
<p>6'1/ 225lbs....had to gain for college..</p>
<p>5' 8"...i think I've stopped growing, which sucks because I really wanted to be at least 5' 9"/ 138 lbs. I'm a fatass</p>
<p>5'8" is tall for a girl...cuz you gotta factor in wearing heels</p>
<p>or you could be like me...</p>
<p>lots of overpronation - no heels (unless they are VERY supportive, which heels generally aren't)</p>
<p>hey...i have flat feet...no arches...it runs in the family...that's like the worst</p>
<p>i have fallen arches</p>
<p>my brother has flat feet (a few people in my family have flat feet, but i wouldn't say it runs in my family)</p>
<p>Posted this in the other thread...but...</p>
<p>5'5" 175 lbs.</p>
<p>Apparently not tall enough to get respect. Shucks!</p>
<p>You probably can beat up every other person...if they don't give you respect.</p>
<p>there are no heels for people with flat feet</p>
<p>Damn thats pretty jacked goalie.</p>
<p>"Damn thats pretty jacked goalie."</p>
<p>Meh, it's all upper body. I have scrawny little bird legs.</p>
<p>its different for me...all my fat is in my gut...it looks like i have ripped arms...b/c i dont have fat on my arms...but i can't bench more than 100 or so....my legs are scrawny too</p>
<p>I hate people like that. haha, I see skinny kids in the gym lifting, and the chics checking them out cuz you can see every little bit of muscle in their arm. When the kid gets done with his 25lb plates...I have to go and add two 45's do them :(</p>
<p>I'm 6'1. 160 some pounds</p>
I hate people like that. haha, I see skinny kids in the gym lifting, and the chics checking them out cuz you can see every little bit of muscle in their arm. When the kid gets done with his 25lb plates...I have to go and add two 45's do them
<p>I personally love it when they think they are hot shots if they've never used a certain machine before. They think "oh man, he's short, that must be easy." and give the machines I work with 350+ lbs on a shot, only to not be able to move the weight an inch. Boy do those kids look like doofuses afterwards. That only happens if I forget to rerack and can only be surpassed in hilarity by kids who will rerack the weight I had on their to give it a shot.</p>