How to answer essay question?

The question says "Please list any other special talents, honors, achievements, awards, or activities that don’t fit above. (Maximum 4,000 characters).

I don’t what to do. Should i just list them like bullet points or elaborate them?
or should i just chose like 4 or 5 main points and write about them? or should i write it like a personal statement? I’m completely lost. Also, is U of M the only school that has this essay question?

Four thousand characters is NOT a lot!!!

I don’t know what the correct answer is, but I’m confident it’s not an essay.

Hi. I answered this question a little while back, right here:

Don’t worry about it too much. I think a list would be totally fine. Just give them enough detail to let them know what you did. It’s not a personal statement. You’re not being given a prompt or a question. If they wanted an essay here, they would ask for it.

Cool, thanks!

@mh3353 Hi! I just submitted my application and di not write anything under that section, because honestly had nothing more to say that was not said in the above part. Do you think this is bad?

Umm, no.