How to apply to BSN programs in CSUs?

I am going to be a high school senior and plan to pursue nursing. I have a 2030 SAT score and am going to retake it in the fall and a cumulative weighted gpa of 3.92 (weighted) and 3.53 (unweighted). I’m not sure if this is necessary information.

My two main choices for college are CSUN and CSU Channel Islands because of cost and location. After researching and reading up on the application process at both schools, I am confused by the requirements… Do I have to complete two years of community college in order to apply for any BSN program?

You apply to both schools as a Pre-nursing major. You then take the required Pre-nursing classes and apply to the BSN program once you have completed these classes.

Requirements for Admission

Application - Application for the program is a two step process. For incoming freshman apply to the University as a pre-nursing major during the application period (November) the year before intended enrollment. Upon completion of the prerequisite courses (or while the courses are still in progress for the spring semester) apply to the nursing program in February. For transfer students apply to the University during the application period (November) and the nursing program the following February the semester before you wish to be considered for admissions (all prerequisite courses must be either completed or in progress with a grade of C or better).

Prerequisite Courses - Specific Courses are listed in the major below.

Grade Point Average - An overall GPA of 2.0 or greater in the prerequisite nursing courses with no grade lower than a C.

Eligibility - Pre-nursing majors must be accepted to the nursing major to be eligible for the lower division nursing courses.

I am assuming you are looking at these 2 campuses since they are within commuting distance. You look like a strong applicant, so you should be able to do well in your pre-req classes to apply for the nursing program but you have no guarantee that you will be selected into the program once you have taken your course requirements.

If you could expand your desired location/area, I would suggest to apply to SDSU which is a direct admit nursing program. You would not be in the Pre-nursing major and have to apply for the program. You will be admitted into the nursing program as a Freshman and have a guaranteed spot as long as you maintain the required GPA.

Thank you for clearing that up. I saw GE certified multiple times on the website and whenever I looked it up it mentioned community college which is where I was confused. I will look into SDSU but I don’t know that finances will allow that. Thank you for all of the information though! Very helpful!!