How to attend with a lower cost?

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic. I phrased mine in the form of question. You phrased yours in the form of facts, statements, assertions, etc:


The price of the residence halls is absurd for the Binghamton area.

It is priced to appeal to the pocketbooks of down state students who roll in with their BMWs


Do you know what the word “assert” means?

My point was that the currently available rentals, some on campus and some off campus, are priced for students from families where the cost of rentals is considerably higher than those around Binghamton or west of Binghamton. The students don’t necessarily have expensive cars or even come from wealthy homes but it seems as if the expectation that they are wealthy factors into the price.

A rental near the university that is promoted by the university advertises for about $930/2 bedrooms. But, that is $930 for each bedroom in a 2 bedroom apartment. So it is $1800/month for the 2 bedroom apartment. People from more costly areas should know that you could rent an entire nice house in Vestal for that. For example, there is a nice 4 bedroom 2.5 bath home (3,136 sqft) being offered for $1,700/month. It is in the stair track-Salem Dr, Vestal, NY -which is very close and where many university staff and faculty live. Unlike the apartments, it does not include utilities.
But instead of paying $930 each, students could pay about $600 each which would leave quite a bit to cover utilities. And since that house is being offered by a rental agency, it is higher than most house rentals in the area. Point is that you can really lower costs and still find housing in a decent area.

So if the OP wanted to lower costs the OP could opt out of what are, relative to the area, greatly inflated prices, and find a nice place for much less.

One might expect housing costs to be related to the cost of the land on which the housing is built. The land around that area is very inexpensive-probably among the lowest in the country.

Living off campus is a great idea! I did and loved it. But there’s a reason people would want to be on campus instead of a house in Vestal. You could find a room for $350 in a house in Vestal, but you’re missing out on so much. Or maybe you’re not. It all depends on what your priorities are. It’s a personal preference. But

This is where you lose me. Since when do dorm prices correlate to the local land? Do you have evidence or other examples of this being the case? The prices of dorms at Penn were waaay more expensive than a typical house in West Philly.

It doesn’t much matter if the prices “correlate”. The prices off campus are far more reasonable than the university related housing, some of which is off campus-as is the apartment complex I mentioned earlier. So for the OP who initially was considering not attending due to cost, my suggestion was to attend and lower costs by living in less expensive housing. Makes complete sense to me. Not sure if you understand the point I’m trying to make here Rebeccar. The tuition is quite low. Housing costs can be reduced. If a student could attend if the costs were lower, seems a good idea to suggest that, if you know how that can happen-which I do.

Dude, I know that. You’re the one who brought it up in post 15.

I totally agree living off campus is a great option. I had an incredible place for $660 including utilities. The houses are even cheaper, although it’s a completely different type of arrangement. So I completely understand living off campus as a suggestion - what I don’t understand, as I’ve said multiple times, is your assertion that dorm prices usually have to do with the price of the land its on. That’s all. If you can’t provide evidence for that in some way, so it goes.

Rebeccar, you seem to be missing my point. You seem stuck. Are you trying to make a point or are you confused? What is the point you are trying to make?

If you have a college in the Bronx, and another in Manhattan, you might expect that the dorms in Manhattan could command a higher price then those in the Bronx because other apartments are expensive in Manhattan-there are not cheap options. If the college in the Bronx priced their dorms as high as the ones in Manhattan, students would be unlikely to stay in the dorms for 4 years-because they could move to readily available less expensive options since housing prices tend to be lower in the Bronx. If the dorms in the Bronx were priced at double the price of other available real estate a student from, say Syssot would probably know that the dwelling was priced quite high relative to other available housing. But, students who come from, say San Francisco, may be unaware that property prices in the Bronx are usually much lower than those in Manhattan and since San Francisco is also very expensive, they may be more used to high prices-thus not do much comparison-So it is possible that students would be willing to pay the inflated prices if they came from a place where prices were similarly high and they were unaware that the prices in the Bronx are usually low.

Lol, I’m the one trying to make a point? Oh dear. Okay. What’s Syssot? Not sure what that means. Interestingly, a quick google search tells me Fordham is actually more expensive than Columbia. Interesting.

I am really not sure Rebecca R. why you persist with this. My point to the OP was that there is a way to attend Binghamton University without spending what the OP fears must be spent. If I am correct, the OP could attend instead of waiting. Given that is what the OP seems to want, it seemed worth my wyle to let the OP know h/h goals could be accomplished by moving off campus where there is a glut of inexpensive residential properties. I hope the OP explored that suggestion. If so, and particularly if the OP saw that it would be possible to go to college as a result of my post, well then that is very satisfying outcome.

You are correct about the typo. The spelling should have been Syosset.

Rebecca R., You and I appear to have very different ideas about education and a host of other things. Diversity of opinion is what fuels threads and what makes it possible to have a site like this one. Without diversity of opinion, there would be no need for CC. Perspective students would rely on the PR from the schools they are interested in. People should not feel harassed when they express their opinion. At no point does anyone need to agree with another poster. It appears that if my opinion is different from yours, you go after my post to discredit my stance rather than expressing your own opinion about the original topic. That seems to be inconsistent with the intent of this forum.