<p>Hey everyone!
I am going to be a freshman in the fall. Do you guys have any tips of how to be successful in high school??</p>
<p>Reply back!!</p>
<p>Hey everyone!
I am going to be a freshman in the fall. Do you guys have any tips of how to be successful in high school??</p>
<p>Reply back!!</p>
<p>DON’T SLACK OFF!! I slacked off in Sophomore year and my GPA has never quite recovered!!</p>
<p>I’d recommend the Class of 1015 tread.
I’d say find a “click” that fits you. Get friends that support you. Academically, get a 3.75+ for a good chance a tier 1 schools. I’d type more, BUT I’m lazy.</p>
<p>I second that, a lot. Also make sure you get help when you need it. I learned that way too late, probably would be a little better off if I had asked for it. Make sure you study if you think you know it, I got overconfident with a gov exam (best subject) and it dropped me to an A-. Also, have fun!! Don’t stress about college too early.</p>
<p>If there’s one subject that you just aren’t that good at (science for me :P) try reading a few chapters ahead over the weekend. It helped me raise my grade to an A in Chem!</p>
<p>Never feel as if you’re grade is high enough to slack.
Have a solid “core” of 2-3 friends (NEVER let these people go), and have a bunch of people you’re friendly with.
Consider taking college courses (if available) over the summer.
Run for leadership.</p>
<p>Much more that I can’t think of right now.</p>
<p>It’s all about balance.
If you can juggle being social and having fun with pursuing your passions and doing well int school, you’ll have a great high school career.
Remember, grades are important, but they aren’t everything.</p>
<p>I know this is probably a given, and everyone’s heard it, but try your hardest to be nice to everybody. You don’t even have to like every single person you meet, but don’t give them the impression that you cannot stand them. Enemies in high school can do things that turn out to be pretty ugly.
Surround yourself with great people. Make sure your group of friends is one that you enjoy being with and try to keep a few really close friends throughout high school.
As for academic advice, just don’t slack off. Don’t think “it’s just freshman year, I’ll be fine” because if you start slacking now, you’ll never be able to catch up again.
Try your best, but don’t push yourself over the limit. Push yourself to the limit. Make sure that even if it’s only 5 or 6 hours a night, you get consistent sleep. Study, but not to the point where you’re losing focus because then you’re studying for nothing. Take breaks. Relax.
Enjoy high school. (:</p>
<p>Two words: time management.
If you master it, at least somewhat, you are golden.</p>
<p>If you make studious friends, you will in turn be studious as well.</p>
<p>Read CC like a boss :)</p>
<p>And finally, never give up. Even if you’re bad at something, you’ll find something else you’re amazing at.</p>
<p>Don’t slack off at the beginning of freshman year because this when your grades really start to matter! Join a club or two and keep busy to keep motivated. Be outgoing and ask question because (personally I think) teachers can usually explain things better than textbooks. Lastly, challenge yourself and have fun because high school is something you want to think back on and remember great times…</p>
<p>Don’t let drama affect your life. Learn from it, but don’t dwell on it. You have very little room for that riff-raff to affect you.</p>
<p>Go to school everyday ready to be a little workhorse. You’re gonna be miserable at times, but an A in every class is possible if you study enough.
Ace the sat and review for it.
Attempt to achieve a respectable national ranking in a sport/activity.</p>
<p>My advice: Find extracurriculars that you like and are unique. Varsity sports take up a lot of time. Develop the mental discipline to forgo sleep.</p>
<p>The hundreds of shreds of advice given to me by CCers is surmounted by the best advice given to me ever, posted on a soccer poster of Lionel Messi I got the summer before my freshman year. It is the principle of my high school success.</p>
<p>“Just do it.”</p>
<p>As a rising sophomore, I learned some really good lessons my first year of high school from my experiences and those of others.</p>
<p>Don’t act like a freshman. Act like you have some common sense and don’t fall into silly freshman things (Trying to date a junior or senior, trying to go to the senior parties, getting an invite to prom, etc)</p>
<p>Never let your grades drop. Take the most rigorous classes you can that interest you and that you won’t bomb. If you aren’t good at math, but are in Geometry, then take Reg, unless your teacher recommends Accelerated. It can pay off in the long run. Always go for Honors/Accelerated, unless you know you can’t keep up with the course work.</p>
<p>Manage your time! Do not get involved in a million and four activities,including sports. I had many extra currics this year, all that I enjoyed, but I was constantly on the move and doing my homework til the middle of the night or in the car on the way home from practices. </p>
<p>Think ahead! Don’t say you’ll take a foreign language your senior year, then realize every college requires two years. Look into your future, even if it is unclear.</p>
<p>Don’t be afraid to explore new friendships. My “clique” (not click…) of friends changed this year from my 8th grade year because I realized I didn’t want to be a freshman that ended up pregnant and dropping out. I chose successful friends because I want to be successful and who you surround yourself with can shape who you become.</p>
<p>READ! Read novels, comic books, magazines, the dictionary, encyclopedias, anything you can get your hands on. It will help you in the long run and you will learn not to hate it (if you already do). </p>
<p>Don’t burn yourself out. Don’t get so involved in say…4 soccer teams…that you never want to play soccer again. Pace yourself.</p>
<p>Other than that, good luck! :)</p>
<p>^^ tru dat to all of that!! But no matter what you do, make a schedule everyday and get an agenda book to always be on top of things. Also, start thinking bout things you’re interested in and put all you got into it. It will help you in the long run believe me :)</p>
<p>Explore. Try clubs/activities you might never have tried. Going to a meeting doesn’t mean commitment.</p>
<p>Don’t F*** up like I did.</p>
<p>Get a good relationship with your teachers. Grades do not reflect, rather they reflect how well you played that teacher’s game. Grades are a combination of sucking up, class involvement, and intelligence. </p>
<p>Also, get involved in clubs with people you like, and get involved in clubs with people you have not met. </p>
<p>Self-Study AP Tests - it will put your self -discipline to the test.</p>
<p>Volunteer and be nice to other people.</p>
<p>Just do what you want - that’s it. If you’re sincere enough in doing that, your grades will reflect it. ;)</p>