How to bring my grades up?

I have a C- in both honors precalculus and AP Chem. I want to bring them up to at least a B, but we only have a month left til finals, and we only have 1 or 2 tests left. How can I raise 8% by then?

Get a 100% on every homework from here on out and on the final. You could also try asking you teacher for an extra credit opportunity or a retake.

This is a good time to throw yourself on the mercy of your teacher(s). You need to see them and explain that you are committed to bringing up your grade and ask them for help in doing that. Some teachers will let you redo homework or do test corrections to raise your grade. Some teachers will offer extra credit. You won’t know unless you ask, and you need to make sure that you’re committed to learning, not just raising your grade. If you appear to simply be grade-grubbing they’re less likely to help you out.
