how to calculate a gpa on a 5.0 scale?

<p>my school does not use a 5.0, but rather the classic 4.0. the way they do this is:</p>

<p>((( average ) - 70 ) x .067 ) + 2 = gpa out of a 4.0</p>

<p>is the 5.0 scale for weighted averages? our school reports weighted averages (used also for ranking) by using weighted averages in the same formula as above.</p>

<p>how does your school do weighted and unweighted averages?</p>

<p>That’s pretty rough for unweighted. That means a 92 is only a 3.5. My GPA would be absolutely awful if that we’re my scale. In any event, my friend’s school calulates a weighted 5.0 scale like this:
90 - 100: 4.0
80 - 89: 3.0
70 - 79: 2.0
65 - 69: 1.0
<65: 0</p>

<p>H is +.5
AP/dual enrollment is +1</p>

<p>my school does
100-99 is 4.5
92-90 is 3.5
83-82 is 2.5
75-74 is 1.5
less than 70 is 0.0</p>

<p>honors or AP is +.5, must take AP exam to count as a weighted course.</p>

<p>ok thanks! the formula is applied to overall cumulative average, btw, not for each class. each class is graded out of a 100 and u get 5 point for honor (which are only available in 9-10th grades) or 10 points for AP. but then u multiply each class grade by its credit worth so a full courseload of 7.5 credits with 4 ap’s only adds 5 points to your quarter average. then divide that over 5 (4 quarters and a final exam) and u get like 1 point.</p>

<p>My school is</p>

<p>93-100 4.0
85-92 3.0
77-84 2.0
70-76 1.0
0-69 0.0</p>

<p>for unweighted GPA.</p>

<p>For weighted, add 1 point for H and 2 points for AP/IB.</p>

<p>hmmm… no percentages for my school</p>

<p>A - 4.0
B - 3.0
C - 2.0
D - 1.0
E - 0.0</p>

<p>+1 for AP/GT. +0.5 for Honors.</p>

<p>My school does GPA Calculations strangely.</p>

<p>A - 4.0
B - 3.0
C - 2.0
D - 1.0
F - 0.0</p>

<p>You do your unweighted GPA, then you take that and add to it, .02 per honors course per semester, and .04 per AP course per semester. It does add up.</p>