How to cancel an SAT request to send scores?

My son requested scores to be sent for some schools and they say pending but he really should’ve just sent the super score report. How do I cancel those pending scores from being sent? Thx.

Direct from the College Board.

That said, if you’re applying to a TO school and apply TO, they won’t be used.

Most schools today allow you to self report so it’s best not to report in general…until after you see the score. If I’m reading right, if you’re not within 5 days, it’s too late though.

If you feel you didn’t do your best on the SAT, you can cancel your scores, but you need to act quickly. You must cancel no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the Thursday after your test date. (Exception: Students with disabilities who test during the school day have until the Monday one week after the published test date to cancel their score.)

After a request to cancel scores is submitted, scores can’t be reinstated or reported to you or any institutions.

You can cancel your score at the test center or after you leave the test center.


  • Cancel your score at the test center.

After the test, ask the test coordinator for a SAT Request to Cancel Test Scores form. Complete and sign the form and then return it to the test coordinator before you leave the test center.

  • Cancel your score after you leave the test center.

    1. Complete the SAT Request to Cancel Test Scores form, or write your request. You must provide the following information: test date, test center number, name, address, gender, birth date, registration number.
    2. Sign the form or written request.
    3. Send your signed and completed cancellation form with a label that reads “Attention: SAT Score Cancellation.”
    • Fax to 610-290-8978.
    • U.S. only: overnight delivery via U.S. Postal Service Express Mail to SAT Score Cancellation, P.O. Box 6228, Princeton, NJ 08541-6228.
    • U.S. or international: overnight mail service or courier to SAT Score Cancellation, 1425 Lower Ferry Road, Ewing, NJ 08618.

@megatron7845 Your son should call College Board ASAP this morning and ask that the pending scores not be sent. Hopefully it isn’t too late in their process to stop the scores from being sent.

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