How to cancel SAT registration

<p>I signed up to take the SAT on 2 dates back in December - March 2011 and June 2011.
I did well on the March SAT and I want to cancel my registration for the June test, but there is no information on College Board's website on how to do that, and if I'll get a refund for that.
Can someone please tell me how to do this?</p>

I know most people here would retake a score in the 2200’s, so they don’t have any experience with this, but College Board is being no help at all, and I have better uses of my time and money.</p>

<p>I’m not 100% sure, but I’ve heard that you can choose not to show up to “cancel” your registration; you just won’t get your refund. But knowing CB, I doubt you’ll get a refund under any normal circumstances.</p>