How to change font sizes and colors?

Thank you so much. I just want to test it! One more questions tho, how do you change color and size for the same test? thank you so much!!

oops…Thank you so much. I just want to test it! One more questions tho, how do you change color and size for the same text? thank you so much!!

The open tag/close tag philosophy still works: enclose the part you want in a particular color with a pair of open and close color tags; enclose the part you want in a particular size with a pair of open and close size tags.

[noparse]redherring[/noparse] produces

red herring

Have fun, but as Lenitus suggests, not too much. :slight_smile:

thank you!

thank you!

Decision: Accepted!!

Decision: Accepted!!

Decision: Accepted

[color=green] hello [green]

uh… what am I doing wrong? :confused: :mad:

Color is an attribute; green is a value. Together, they make up an attribute-value pair. Attributes need an open and close tag–the open tag will contain the value and the close tag will contain a slash. Your close tag doesn’t have a slash and has the value instead of the attribute.

[noparse]hello[/noparse] produces:


thank you!

[color=blue]blue blue blue

Hmmm didn’t work for me

Try [noparse][/color][/noparse] instead of [noparse][/noparse].

Think of the open and close tags as “turning on” and “turning off” the color attribute. Blue is just the value of the color you’re using.


Scroll to the bottom of the thread list and there’s a link that shows all this stuff.



test test test

[bold] Accepted [/bold]


thank you!