How to change my math placement?

Hi everyone, I recently got an e-mail about checking my math placement which is based on ACT/SAT, AP/college credit, and the math placement test if you take it. I got placed into what I consider to be the wrong math class. If I send my AP scores to the school, will they adjust my math placement accordingly or do I need to e-mail an academic advisor? Thanks so much and roll tide.

When she was a freshman, my daughter was placed in MATH 121/125 (Calc 1) even though she’d already taken Calc 1 at CC. It wasn’t an issue, and she was allowed to sign up for higher level math classes at Bama Bound. Do you have credit for AP Calc? If so, send in your scores and you’ll be allowed to sign up for higher level math courses. You could also e-mail an advisor, but unless you have some unusual situation, it should be easily taken care of at Bama Bound. It’s easier if you have any AP scores you already have sent in prior to Bama Bound, though.