How to check application status

<p>I sent my application to U of A on 10th november but I haven’t got any mail saying that they received my application. My UA account, however, says that all application materials are submitted. When and how will I get to know whether or not I am accepted? Thank you!</p>

<p>Pretty much if you have a pulse and scored somewhere around average on the SAT and have a 3.0 GPA then you’re in (we’re UA not harvard). You can always annoy (errr call) the admissions office and ask. Right now though the university is mostly shut down until a week after the new year. Someone in another thread mentioned it took 2 months to get a decision, so I would give it some more time before getting all panicky (remember they have to go through thousands of these things).</p>

<p>^^^Greg Kinnear calls it the Harvard of Tucson…</p>

<p>You’re gonna get it within 2-3 weeks.</p>

<p>Mine took 2 weeks.</p>

<p>And seriously unless you had below a 2.5 GPA, you shouldn’t be worrying at all.</p>

<p>They don’t even use your SAT scores to determine whether to accept you or not.</p>

<p>I just called them up and they said I’ve been accepted!
I didn’t get into honors though- even though my grades r pretty high- my predicted grades were 85 for english, 95 for physics and chem and 98 for math and bio (out of 100). I’m an international student nd i havent given the ACT.
do u think i should pursue this matter? also, can anyone tell me which is the quietest, most studious dorm on campus other than the honors dorms since i didn’t get into honors? thanks a lot!</p>

<p>Congrats on the acceptance. If you really wanted to get into the honors college, you could email the dean and (politely!) plead your case. The dean is also very nice and friendly. Really though, not getting into the honors college isn’t the end of the world. The only thing you’re missing is priority registration and the vague chance that at graduation an employer is going to see “Honors College” on your resume and think wow.</p>

<p>Most studious…hmm. The only dorm I’ve heard you don’t want for studying is Coronado, which is closed next year anyways (I think). Personally I think you’ll be like everyone else and do most of your studying at one of the libraries on campus; or invest in some earplugs :)</p>

<p>What all did you have on your checklist when your application was complete? Right now I only have 2 things: my fee waiver and my high school transcripts. And I expect my SAT scores to be on there within the week. Is that all you need on there? Just those 3 things? thanks in advance.</p>